Amelia Johnson

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Amelia 's Friends
Amelia 's Bucket List
Enlightenment Progress (0/68)
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people (1)
people (5)
write a complaint/satisfaction letter to a company
"for free stuff of course!"
spend an entire day watching movies
people (4)
eat an entire carton of ice cream
people (1)
people (1)
pretend to be a tourist and get a bunch of pictures with random people
write a letter to myself the first day of summer and read it on the last
people (1)
people (10)
people (1)
people (2)
fill up an entire coloring book
people (1)
people (9)
people (4)
people (2)
people (1)
jump into a pool fully clothed
people (3)
say yes to everything for a day
people (10)
people (102)
people (1)
people (4)
people (2)
hand out lemons on the street wearing a shirt that says life
Go to a public place and have everyone you meet sign your T shirt
Comments From Friends
Amelia 's Latest Activity
Amelia Johnson added
freeze a water balloon and peel off the balloon part to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Amelia Johnson added
flag down the ice cream man and ask for a smile to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Live Stream for Amelia
Amelia Johnson added
freeze a water balloon and peel off the balloon part to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Amelia Johnson added
flag down the ice cream man and ask for a smile to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Amelia Johnson added
keep a tiny squirt gun in my purse at all times to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Amelia Johnson added
hold a stranger's hand on a roller coaster to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Amelia Johnson added
write a complaint/satisfaction letter to a company to her bucket list. - over a year ago
"for free stuff of course!"